A Comfort Zone of the HEART

Where "Comfort" Also Means "Presence with Strength"

A Comfort Zone of the HEART

Where "Comfort" Also Means "Presence with Strength"

Eight Tuesdays on Zoom
March 11-April 29, 5-6:15 pm PT
with both of us, Saniel and Linda

And a teaser about another offering coming up in May...

In these extremely challenging times, we welcome you to come gather weekly with other kindred spirits and us. Together we'll create an authentic "comfort zone" with one another in two really positive ways.

Yes, it'll be a virtual place for healing, holding, and nurturing communion, for self-care and caring for each other.

It'll also be a kind of communal Heart-dojo, where we'll help one another cultivate and fortify our bold, resilient "presence with strength." That meaning of "comfort" comes from its Latin roots: "con" or "com," "with"; and "forte," "strength."

In recent mailings we spoke about coming together in these sessions as "sacred sentinels," or sentinels for the sacred in human and all life. 

There's a guardianship, a stewardship protecting and nurturing the deep Heart of humankind that we may find becomes more apparent over the course of our two months together in this event.  

We hope you'll join us and be part of that guardianship.

> Each meeting will include brief gazing and meditation, a 10-15 minute talk by one or both of us, and conversations, guided practices, and/or creative sharings.

You can still register and join us until the first session gets underway on Tuesday, March 11, at 5 pm PT.

> The fee is $198.

Please note: if finances are tight and you want to attend, contact us at [email protected] and let us know what you can offer. 

These are tough times for a lot of us, and getting tougher. We'll help you make sure the event is affordable for you.  

> All are welcome! Though it could be helpful, no previous exposure to our teachings is required.

> The sessions will be recorded but will never be made available in part or in full to anyone except this live event's registered attendees. And, if you'd rather not be recorded, just ask and we'll put the recording on pause. 

Some possible themes of our brief intro talks and then group conversations in the 8 sessions (subject to change — we invite your suggestions):

1. When taking self-care is the best gift and example you can give to others — and why skillful de-pressurizing is so important now

2. When and how the Heart becomes a Cinderella to the brain-mind — for you

3. The power of giving, serving, and loving for authentic presence with strength

4. The limbic loop and the "sinoatrial sync" for comfort in — and the comfort of — the self+other field of our connections

5. Crucial differences between evolutionary and conscious mutual sharing of our painful stress, and regressive wallowing in it

6. Is there a part of you, maybe a big part, that feels you don't deserve to enjoy comfort as both ease and strength — an "I am not worthy" factor?

7. "The lure of the lore": are there sources of influence and conditioning in your life, in the past and currently, that lead you to feel that pursuing comfort is self-indulgent, less than spiritual, deluding, and/or karmically dangerous?

8. Becoming deep-feeling, protective guardian-sentinels together for the sacred in human consciousness, character, and culture, and in all sentient beings

We'll create this "Comfort Zone of the HEART" in community together. 

Authentic sharing and being together, even virtually and in these relatively brief meetings, can infuse a strong antidote to the shocks and threats we're undergoing in our personal and collective living. Especially when our strengths come alive as pro-active sentinels for the sacred!


Here's how you can register and make your payment to join and co-create this "Comfort Zone of the HEART with others and with us:

  1. Write us at [email protected] (NOT [email protected] as we previously requested) with "My Comfort Zone registration" in the subject line. You can also send us any questions at that same address.
  2. In your letter, tell us a little about yourself and why you want to be part of these gatherings. 
  3. Please make your payment $198, or, if you're paying a different amount that we've agreed upon with you: 

Whichever platform you use, make sure to say the fee is your registration for "A Comfort Zone of the HEART." If you use the "Donate" page on our site, please send us that information in an additional email, thank you.

Please do come join us! Your simple being there will contribute to everyone's real comfort, in all positive senses of the word.

And all of us being there together will stand watchful, deep-feeling guard for the fierce, tender values and blessings of the HEART in everyone everywhere. 

Here's a teaser about a second offering, which is coming up in May: 

Something New? Eight Great Matters of the HEART for Our Evolutionary Development and Potential

Saturday and Sunday, May 17-18 on Zoom,
10-12:30 PT each morning and 1:15-3:45 each afternoon,
led by Saniel with Linda's assistance

"Something new?," as a question, came to mind as we contemplated putting this workshop together.

From the earliest years of his work, Saniel began to recognize and speak about it as in some crucial ways a breakthrough beyond what other traditional and contemporary teachings were making available. 

"Breakthrough" may not be a helpful word here. For this purpose, we feel it's better to frame a question to investigate than declare a claim to be proved.

So this event will explore how the Human Sun HEART Work may — or may not! — show itself over time to be "something new": a perhaps uniquely self-democratizing innovation in human consciousness, character, and culture, human being and becoming. 

Stay tuned on this, more info to come! If it sounds like something you might want to plug into, hold that weekend of May 17th and 18th open in your calendar. 

And, whatever it takes, please do hang in there in these very strange, testing times. Not just you but the whole world needs your greatest joy, peace, resilience, discernment, boldness, and radiant lovingkindness. 

Please find your best ways to "maximize" all of that!

We send you our love and Heart-blessings, and we hope you'll join us in A Comfort Zone of the HEART! 

Saniel & Linda

Saniel Bonder and Linda Groves-Bonder

Co-founders, Human Sun Institute

Teacher-coaches, Maximizing Joy™ and Waking Down in Mutuality®