Events and Podcasts

Coming Events

HEART of Peace Meditation with Saniel
March 8, 4-5 PT

Link to join:


A Comfort Zone of the HEART

Tuesdays, March 11-April 29, 4-5 pm PT

 Event info and how to register:




Virtual Heart Gatherings with Saniel & Linda and HEART of Peace Meditations with Saniel: 

Suspended for the time being

For many years pre-pandemic, most every month we held a Sunday Heart-Gathering in our home, "Sun in Your Heart Sanctuary," here near Sonoma, CA.

Then, for several years, we shifted over to Zoom and offered entirely online Heart gatherings twice a month. 

Also, for several years, mostly alternating on Saturdays with the Virtual Heart Gatherings, Saniel offered an hourlong HEART of Peace Meditation. 

For now, staring in early March 2025, we've stopped offering both the Virtual Heart Gatherings and the HEART of Peace Meditations at least for the time being. 

We'd been sensing the need to make some changes in our offerings. Also, as one of our frequent, very grateful participants put it: "After all this, you guys probably need a bit of a break!"

Saniel wrote in a recent mailing: 

"It's been a pleasure with a capital 'P' to be with those of you who've attended the HEART of Peace Meditations over the years. Truly, all of us coming together have co-created a HEART space of uncommon depth, potency, sweetness, and trust.

"Linda and I are discontinuing these gatherings and also our co-hosted Virtual Heart Gatherings for a time. Sometime soon we hope to announce other opportunities, maybe with somewhat different formats. We're profoundly grateful to all of you who've participated and look forward to being with you again in Heart-ful sacred occasions."

Please stay tuned, as we hope to announce other such occasions in the near future. And thank you for your interest and your blessings!





A Small Medium at Large — Gail Hayssen with Saniel Bonder and Linda Groves-Bonder: Maximize Your Joy

Gail Hayssen is a highly sensitive sensitive of quite small stature and global impact — thus her playful title for herself, “a small medium at large.” She was there at Woodstock and was a dear friend of Timothy Leary. Later she served as an experimental subject in so-called “paranormal” capacities at the renowned Institute of Noetic Sciences. Along the way of her life, she became an initiated adept in Mongolian Shamanism and received an honorary doctorate from Mongolia’s National Academy of Sciences.

Gail’s joyful presence and great questions made for a delicious podcast conversation about how our Human Sun HEART Work helps people lighten stress, strengthen resilience, brighten their spirits, realize unshakable wellness and joy, and express their genius and their gifts.

Saniel Bonder and Linda Groves-Bonder share their experiences with "Human Sun Heart Work" and how it helps people to lighten their stress, strengthen resilience, and brighten their spirits in deep, lasting ways. They talk about the three realms of desire and How to "Maximize Your Joy: In Your Life Work Relationships and the World." Their goal is to help great numbers of people maximize their joy and express their gifts -- now, soon, and in the future.

Watch here.


Rhonda Grant: Saniel Bonder & Linda Groves-Bonder, Pioneering Coaches of Embodied Awakening

Rhonda Grant is an entrepreneur, founder, and business owner who instinctively coaches those she works with and people who come to her seeking her guidance in business. Rhonda’s strong business background coupled with superlative people skills allow her to connect with her audience both on stage, through her podcast, and in her writing. Given her quest to help facilitate “a massive shift in human consciousness,” Rhonda resonates deeply with our work to democratize embodied awakening – an immediate attunement with one another that comes through beautifully in her interview with us on her podcast.

Beautiful and enriching discussion with Saniel Bonder and Linda Groves-Bonder, who for decades have been helping seekers gain knowledge about how to resonate with their life’s path and tap into their divine potential.

Saniel and Linda are pioneering coaches of embodied awakening through their Human Sun HEART Work. Born in 1950, Saniel was a Harvard Honorary National Scholar, earning a B.A. in Social Relations. After completing his spiritual quest, he has spent 30+ years “democratizing” enlightenment with Linda and others. He has authored many spiritual books and two novels. Linda graduated from Ball State University with a B.S. in Art Education. A singer-songwriter, photo stylist, and artist, she toured with an international band and released two solo albums. Since 1996 she has focused on teaching Waking Down in Mutuality® with Saniel.


Coaches Rising - Joel Monk:  Awakening into Joy

Joel Monk is the co-founder, visionary leader, and podcast host at Coaches Rising, a premier international coach training organization. Formerly a longtime, avid student of Tibetan tantric Buddhism, he recently enrolled our coaching help in a six-month intensive and also spent a weekend with us on a residential retreat at our Sun in Your HEART Sanctuary. As a podcast host, Joel was thus able to bring a uniquely well-informed, profoundly initiated, and deeply friendly perspective into his exploration with us of crucial elements of our approach: the Spirit/Matter split, inner polarization and integration, the core/Heart wound, “second birth” non-dual embodied awakening, and the breadth of potential experience for those navigating a post-awakened life.

In this conversation with Saniel Bonder and Linda Groves-Bonder we explore the spirit/matter split, an integrative approach to spiritual inquiry, inner polarization, the core/heart wound, “second birth awakening” and the breadth of experience post awakening.


Spirit Matters - Phil Goldberg: Waking Down in Mutuality with Saniel and Linda Bonder

Phil Goldberg is the author or co-author of numerous books, including the award-winning American Veda: From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and Meditation, How Indian Spirituality Changed the World, the definitive biography of Paramahamsa Yogananda, the “first modern guru,” and his latest, Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times. He is a public speaker and workshop leader, who has presented at leading venues online and in person; a spiritual counselor, meditation teacher, ordained Interfaith Minister, and an active board member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity. His podcast conversation with us focused on our spiritual histories and our current work, including what it means to “become a human sun.” We also discussed matters relevant to so many spiritual practitioners today: the potential of power abuse by teachers, the vulnerability of their students, and the challenges of interpersonal shadow issues for all concerned.

Listen here.

Saniel Bonder and Linda Groves-Bonder work together as spiritual teachers through the Human Sun Institute, the organization they co-founded. Best known for the process called Waking Down (later Waking Down in Mutuality), they describe their mission this way: "To being heart-based embodied awakening to a worldwide audience." Our conversation focused on their spiritual histories and their current work, such as what it means to become "a human sun." We also addressed delicate issues relevant to contemporary spiritual seekers: the potential of power abuse by teachers and the vulnerability of their students.


Embracing Joy in Challenging Times
An Interview with the editors of MysticMag

This brief email interview with us by Luka Dragovic of the Serbia-based site dives into our perspectives on how to “Maximize Your Joy™” in your life, work, and relationships — and in our world. Many thanks to MysticMag!


Democratizing the Sun Heart
A “Rogue Ways” podcast with Lindsey Brown

Lindsey Brown is a gifted shamanic spiritual healer, teacher, and agent of transformation with a fierce capacity for discernment and a huge heart. That big “both/and” capaciousness enables her to sell crystals and other healing aids and be, her words, both a “Tarot Loving Maniac” and a “Rogue Warrior.”

We had a delightful time talking with Lindsey in her “Rogue Ways” podcast interview where we covered many of the basics of our work. Given the oppressive joylessness so many suffer in our time, we spoke of the emphasis we’re now putting on “Maximizing Joy.” And Lindsey had a particular interest in how we serve the intensifying, “self-democratizing” awakening of that one great Sun that spontaneously shines, giving us life and awareness, in the Heart of hearts that we all share.


Modern Spirituality: ShamanIsis in Conversation w/ Saniel Bonder & Linda Groves-Bonder

ShamanIsis, aka Cynthia Elliott, is a highly accomplished marketing and communications pioneer who’s also been a lifelong mystic, psychic, and spiritual realizer. In this episode of her podcast, the ShamanIsis Show, she interviews Saniel and Linda on the nature of spiritual openings, the great awakening, triggers, healing, and more. Their conversation emphasizes the necessity of learning how to cultivate joy, especially in these dark and dangerous times.


“Unleashing Inner Awakening and Healing"

Our wise, enthusiastic host for this lively, in-depth podcast interview was Jesston Williams. His podcast, “The Hidden Gateway,” reaches many thousands of people.

Jesston asked us superb questions and helped us introduce this new site and its expression of our Human Sun HEART work to his audience. He made a particular point of asking about our “A Million Hearts Illumined — 10 Year Vision,” for which we’re very grateful.

The conversation is titled, “Unleashing Inner Awakening and Healing.” Whether you’re hungry for:

  • lightening and brightening your body, mind, spirit, and relationships,
  • whole-being, embodied awakening or post-awakening growth,
  • clarifying your genius and expressing your purpose and your gifts,
  • or all of the above,

we invite you to give it a listen!


"Finally Feel Free" Summit

Online Interview with Saniel and Linda

Our lively half-hour interview with the summit host, the UK-based coach, artist, and mystic Aiswarya, goes “under the hood” of how our Human Sun HEART  Work works. This unique process has helped many people realize an un-lose-able, and in many ways unexpectable, quality of non-separate embodied awakening — in other words, a whole-being feeling, knowing, and being of deeply grounded spiritual freedom.

Aiswarya liked what we shared so much that she decided to give us a “headlining,” “prime time” spot, early among the 45 speakers, many of them far better known than we are. The whole summit is free of charge — here’s the link: